Personal Thought

Good morning! It's not so early morning to discuss about this hell thing. I've meet many people a long this then I think all we do is judge. We can not seperate from this hell thing at all. The difference just we can stand for keeping the judge words or let it go. I think the second way is the wise thing that we must do.

What is judge actually. In my opinion judge is something that spontaneously happened when we saw something which takes our interest. It's good if it is just stop on it, then it will be so annoying if you say the judgement to others. As I said to you just now all of us are judges for everyone's life. We realize or not it happened. 

We can judge people, we can give a sight of them. But, think first how much we contribute to the people whom we judge! More over we meet at first time. Don't you think it is not fair enough to them. It's quite naif if we do that disgusting thing to other as if we know them so well.

If you judge people actually the judgement is directed to you. If you mock them actually is the same yale to you. Don't you ever see how your surrounded see you? People's sight maybe do not so valuable on your mind. Coz you think, It's your life of course yes it is, but in this life is not only you. What you do will be back to you. 

First, people will laugh with jokes and many else because of your words but, who knows in their deep heart. No one can guarantee they really happy and enjoy your jokes. Maybe, now they build other opinion about you. 

Second, it will be happened continues. You can not stop there, to make people laugh at you there are much things you will do to make it run. And of course with judging people and mocking them. When it will stop? It will never be!

Third. Your words never be so serious for people. What ever you said even it's right, people will not put a right attention to you. Don't believe it? Just try then you will so difficult to change their mind. And it's a really another disaster to your life. Judge never as good as that. Mock never as funny as that.

And the last, this life is so precious to just do the trash thing. This long life learning will not valuable to you and remember this life is not a coincidence. God never make a bad thing. If it's run then it's because of you. 

Good Morning Good People. Monday is not only a brand new day but also  build a new mind.


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