Catch you later

When i am in 22 years old. I guess i can differ something well. I know what's the best or what's not for me, even I think I've just been able to choose the boundaries. And unfortunately, i don't. Maybe, I had choosen the right thing but the thing was not right for me. This is the way I me to think that i don't make a wrong decision. 

Realizing this fact, I personally try to find the mistake in whole process. Do I make a wrong aim? Or I really don't know what I choose is. So, here they are. What actually happened when I'm in 22 years old later. 

#1. Good for Them not ME
Sometimes we forgot the crucial thing in this world. People will never put you on top when you don't do this thing to yourself first. We try to make sure people that we are the best one. Then we don't care to make the best for ourself. The number of us even did the worst, they give anything to others without thinking how if they don't notice it. And so do I, I did this thing some years later although I don't give anything because I have no. But, my time, my whole mind and what ever I have i give those things. 

#2. They will please and help ME
The very wrong thing which I ever thought is thinking about people will help me if i am close to them. Actually this is foolish thing that you guys don't need to do. People, have their own business, maybe they will help you when they are able. But, there's no obligation for them to help you when they are in business, and of course there's no guarantee if you help them then they will do the same thing. 

#3 Put People in Wrong Place
I have an opportunity to meet many people with the different culture and it makes me realize, we don't really need to put anyone else to our life more over they are just the strangers. Some of us come as the strangers, anothers as friends, and the others as the family. We should know how to differ them. So, we don't get any hurt feeling.

#4 Quality over quantity
Once in a lifetime we must choose and we need to concern about what we choose. Maybe, it takes many times and lose many people, but it will works. We don't really need a hundred people if we can hand in hand with two people. That's just our fear as human being, don't have many doesn't mean bad. 

I can't put any title for this last but not least part. From five parts this is the answer, have you ever thought why we sometimes do the mistakes? Ya, besides it's the natural thing as human being, but actually this is the way of God to see us how much we don't put our attention to learn before doing something. We thought, we just need to do and face all cases. But, we forget that those cases actually ever happened to other people in past. So, we need to read over their stories then learn. Maybe the stories will not same a hundred percent, but we can take them as the direction. 

At the end of this brief story, I just want to you know that I will do the wrong thing in future but, maybe I will not do the same mistakes. Then, now I can take my foots to next journey after all the ups and downs. Catch you later, I my self. 


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