Live our Life

I realize, how can we accept something is the way we are looking for the solutions seriously. I wish for many more times to heal my lose part in my deep heart. How to heal how to chill, these are the way I always look for and confused. Thank for writing the beautiful creation so, Allah takes me back to read and understand it well now. For sure I never accept the reasons as good as what i had read tonight. 

I'll never think that what happened in my life is same with the reality. Or same with my own story. There's always the different. A huge difference then I don't need any explanation for a bad feeling. My other space is for make sure I don't believe anything or anyone more than I believe my self. There's no space for believing anyone in case they have their own problem. 

What happened today is not always same with other person ever faced the day before today. If there's a same thing between them It doesn't make they are imitating. It's just one of a thousand similarity which is not same. Don't desperate and lose hope. Cause we have our own story and way to live our life. Choose it and let people don't have the space for it. 

Now we should proud of what we have faced. Nothing as precious as you, yourself. Worrying doesn't make anything can change. Desperate can't take you back. Something which blame you is never as good as yourself. It can take your smile but, make sure it will not last forever.


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